Goodbye Beta, Hello V4!

Yeld Finance
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


We are pleased to announce that we are now out of BETA and are confident in our platforms security and our V4 contracts. We have built a stronger and more effective stablecoin staking platform with some of the highest yields in the DeFi space on average.

Out with the old, in with the new

For the past few months, we have been working on the right solutions for YELD and where we see ourselves. Not just as a team but as an ecosystem, a way for us to push our platform and technology forward to build the future of decentralized finance.

As many know, we put a lot of effort towards rewriting our contracts to be safer and better than ever. That is no longer a worry, as our contracts are now protected against flash loan attacks and bots. We have adjusted the issue with farmed tokens being dumped by a percentage hold required to stake and unstake. We have also increased our unstaking fee to provide positive incentives for the YELD stakers. As a result, this has increased the buy and burn mechanics, reducing the total supply of tokens at a faster pace. Lastly, we have created a treasury for emissions and ongoing research and development.

But that’s not all to be excited about. We are not just a staking platform, we are building a larger ecosystem, the YELD ecosystem. One that will continue to provide utility and new projects within the DeFi space. We have plans to grow the team to increase our development efforts, marketing presence and define our place in DeFi. So let’s not think of YELD as a singular platform, but as a platform of growth.

Big things to come!

While we have spent a lot of time working on V4, we didn't stop there. We have been evaluating where this has been progressing and how we would like to build towards the future. The following plans are in the works:

  • All contract code will be audited (currently in progress for v4)
  • An updated and better Retirement Fund contract
  • New token mechanics to benefit our holders and stakers
  • Explorations into ways to bring NFTs to YELD
  • Also, we will be increasing our marketing efforts
  • and much more…

Thank you to our community

We want to extend our thanks to every member of our community as they have held strong and supported us along the way. Without the support of our community we would not be in the place we are today. They have filled us with confidence as they have shared their ideas, positive sentiments and more. So thank you all!

